is natural enough for people to take a keen interest in the stunning aerial photographs
sent from orbiting spacecraft around the Moon and Mars. After all, they
are of worlds previously unexplored and badly misunderstood. A century before
the various Mariner and Viking surveys, theories abounded about “canals” criss-crossing
the surface of Mars. These were shown to be misinterpretations of astronomers
with active imaginations, a lesson in scientific rectitude for us all. Throughout
the last few centuries, anomalous transient phenomena have been noted by surprised
astronomers gazing at the Moon. These include bright lights and impossible
mists and clouds.
More detailed photography
has simply complicated the problem. Most astronomers simply gloss over
the anomalous evidence that has come to light, or if probed more deeply, debunk
and ridicule it. It is an unfortunate fact of human nature that, when
our established world view is threatened, we lash out venomously. Scientists
are no exception, in fact doubly so, as they have their own specialised knowledge
to protect. Cosmic Conspiracies are open to ideas until they are proven
Now the Moon anomalies are
another matter. Little understood, and mostly ignored by all but those
at the true fringe of scientific thought, they represent a mind-boggling possibility
on our very cosmic door-step. They’ve been blatantly apparent since the
days of the Space race. Images of the surface of the Moon appear to yield
anomalous structures that fail to obey the laws of physics. Movement
of “boulders” uphill certainly should raise most people’s eyebrows. Giant,
seemingly technological structures appear in craters known for their anomalous
lights and clouds. Spires of remarkable height bizarrely appear on plains
otherwise eroded by billions of years of micro-meteorite bombardment.It seems
impossible, but there’s the evidence for all to see in NASA’s own library of
images. And those are the ones they chose to place in the public domain.
Heaven knows what else lies in their vaults. We think it explains the
poor quality of many of the released images, the release of Apollo Moon landing
photos that appear studio-based, and NASA’s dismissal of the Moon to the dustbin
of Space exploration. We contend that the Moon is not a truly dead world,
except in the arena of political expediency. We have all been duped.
We think that Neil, Buzz and the others went to the Moon alright, but that their
missions were blinkered and heavily monitored to prevent leakage of information
about its true nature as a base for Others.
The only
return to the Moon since Apollo has been the Clementine probe, a military reconnaissance
mission. Why would the Department of Defence be interested in the Moon?
The Clementine images appear detailed enough, but the evidence of the truly
massive anomalous structures is simply gone. How? Might it be that
the military now control the images we receive from sensitive lunar and Martian
sites? The cover-up continues, for our own benefit I am sure. How
many more generations of people will remain in the dark?
Spot Lights On The Moon!
we have reproduced a recent article on the BBC News website (13th June,2000).
Are we finally starting to hear the truth?
evidence shows that the Moon is not a totally dead world as was thought by many
astronomers. It does still occasionally stir with activity.
Even though they have been
reported from time to time for hundreds of years, claims of changes on the lunar
surface have always been controversial. Many scientists have dismissed the occasional
reported sightings of glows and mists hanging over certain lunar features.
Light site: The mighty crater Langrenus, 136 km across
Now a French astronomer
has obtained some of the best evidence yet that occasionally something does
disturb the lunar surface.
It was seen in 1992 by
veteran lunar observer Audouin Dollfus of the Observatoire de Paris using the
one metre (39 inch) Meudon reflecting telescope. He has only just finished analysing
the results, and has submitted them for publication.
On 30 December, he noticed
a series of glows on the floor of the large crater Langrenus. They were definitely
not there the day before. Professor Dollfus observed them for several days before
they faded.
of light were seen dancing inside the crater. Each time he returned to the telescope,
he noticed that the shape of the glows had changed.
He believes that the glows
are due to escaping gas that lifts dust above the lunar surface into sunlight.
Some lunar observers have expressed surprise that such a mist should have been
seen above Langrenus which was not regarded as a prime candidate for lunar changes.
Professor Dolfuss points
out that Langrenus, when observed in detail, has an extensive series of fractures
on its crater floor and the gas could be escaping from these.
Man on the Moon
"Transient Lunar Phenonemon" (TLP) have been reported from time to time
but definite evidence has been lacking.
to observations from the ground, Neil Armstrong was asked to look for glows
on the Moon during the Moon landing in July 1969. He reported seeing a part
of the Moon glow, but later could not be sure which region it was.
In 1994, the Clementine
lunar orbiting satellite observed the crater Aristarchus before and after a
TLP was seen from the Earth. Clementine spectral data suggested that parts of
the crater had changed colour slightly.
Dollfus observes the Moon
and other Anomalies
The Cassini spacecraft is
well on its way to Saturn, due to rendezvous with this beautiful planet in 2004.
It carries with it an ESA entry probe called Huygens which it will drop into
the atmosphere of Saturn’s largest moon, Titan. Titan has a dense atmosphere
of hydrocarbons and potentially holds the organic building blocks of life within
its impenetrable haze. However, its distance from the Sun results in a
surface temperature of -180 degrees Celsius, making the existence of complex
building blocks of life unlikely.
Until a few years ago astronomers
weren’t sure whether the surface of Titan was rocky or an ocean of liquid hydrocarbons.
It was thought that it could only be one or another, that a terrestrial-like
mix of continents and oceans was theoretically impossible for Titan. The
reason for this viewpoint, put forward by Carl Sagan and Stanley Dermott in
1982, was that Titan’s elliptical orbit around Saturn precluded varied surface
geography. The argument goes like this: If Titan had various large
bodies of liquid hydrocarbons, then the gravitational forces of Saturn would
raise substantial tides, and the resulting tidal friction would have circularised
Titan’s orbit in much less than the age of the Solar System. So the surface
must be either all-ocean or all-land.
Earth-based experiments
carried out on Titan have produced results, now widely accepted, that directly
contradict this robust theoretical argument. A team led by Duane O. Muhleman
of C.I.T. fired radar pulses at Titan from Earth and used mighty radio telescopes
to read the feeble returns. As Titan turned different longitudes towards
Earth the resultant returns showed land and sea. Titan has both.
Yet it retains an elliptical orbit. Astronomers are looking forward to
the mapping and investigation of this variable terrain by Cassini and Huygens,
but the anomaly has not gone away.
This anomaly is answered
simply by the 12th planet theory. Nibiru has wreaked havoc in the Solar
System for billions of years during its periodic incursions. Assuming
Nibiru was a terrestrial-sized planet, then its effect on Titan could only have
been significant at relatively close range, probably upon Nibiru’s first devastating
plunge into the Solar System 4 billion years ago. Yet, Sagan and Dermott’s
thesis call for intervention in the intervening period.
The ancient description of
Nibiru’s current orbit is that of a great ellipse cutting the ecliptic at the
Place of the Crossing, in the asteroid belt. It would not, therefore, get
anywhere near Saturn. Yet, if Nibiru’s periodic gravitational attraction
is the reason for Titan’s elliptical orbit, then it must be a substantially greater
entity than a terrestrial-sized planet. This would fit with the brown dwarf
notion. Even at the distance between the outer planets, an intruding tiny
star could perturb orbits. Perhaps Titan’s orbit was affected, in the same
way that Nibiru’s passing in ~11,272 BC caused the Apocalyptic Deluge, despite
its great distance from the Earth.
Uranus is alone amongst
the planets in that it lies on its side. It’s poles point towards the
Sun, unlike the other planets with their upright spin. It also doesn’t
give out the kind of energy generated by its cousins Jupiter, Saturn and, in
particular, Neptune. The best astronomical theory is that it was struck
by an approximately Earth-sized planet billions of years ago. This is
again confirmed by the ancient Sumerians, describing Nibiru’s violent passage
through the outer Solar System. Perhaps one of its planetary retinue impacted
Uranus during its voyage through the ecliptic plane. Certainly, the Sumerians
explain Pluto’s existence as a past moon of Saturn, wrenched from Saturn’s grasp
to become the outermost planet. There is also speculation in the astronomical
community that Neptune’s moon Triton was not originally one of its flock.
Then what of our Moon?
It’s size and composition are at variance with its big sister Earth, yet there
it is in our night skies. The Earth had but one continent billions of
years ago, the ocean filling in a gaping hole in its side. Some speculate
that the Moon was a sizeable chunk of the Earth that somehow broke free and
ended up in orbit. Much more sensibly, 12th Planet theory sees the Earth
as a remnant of a much larger, watery planet called Tiamat. Tiamat resided
in the gap between Mars and Jupiter before being struck by one of Nibiru’s planetary
‘attendants’. The Moon was already around Tiamat, but this would have
seemed less incongruous then given Tiamat’s size. Somehow, the remains
of this once great planet, now the Earth, managed to hang onto the Moon, which
was destined to become a planet in its own right. This is why the Sumerians
classified the Moon as on of the 12 planets, seeing the Earth/Moon system as
a twin planetary system.
watery nature also goes a long way to explain the amount of water found in the
giant planets’ atmospheres, on their moons and in the asteroid belt, possibly
even the true nature of the comets. The watery firmament was rendered
apart by the cataclysmic collision, forming the Earth and propelling the usurpers,
the brown dwarf Nibiru and its retinue of planets, into its cometary orbit.
As Cassini approaches Saturn, perhaps more supporting data will emerge to confirm
these most ancient teachings.
and the Lunar Transient Phenomenon
It is an established scientific
fact that the Moon is a dead world. It ceased to have any volcanic activity
billions of years ago, has no atmosphere (and therefore no weather) and definitely
no life up there. Down the years, however, many respected astronomers gazing
at the Earth’s companion have observed anomalous phenomena through their telescopes.
These include flashes of light, out-gassings, colour changes and clouds!
Some have even noted the movement of terrain features over a period of time.
These have come to be known as “lunar transient phenomena”. Some areas of
the Moon seem more prone to these phenomena than others, particularly the Aristarchus
region. Now, since these phenomena can’t really be said to exist, then science
concludes that all these observations are simply wrong. The onus is on the
reporting astronomer to prove it…somehow.
Recently just such proof
appeared to have been found. According to ‘Astronomy’ magazine, the Clementine
probe’s images of the Moon surface were found to contain data that verified
a reported LTP made by the amateur astronomer Robert Manske. The LTP in
question was of an “obscuration or darkening” at a collapsed lava tube called
the Cobrahead in the Aristarchus region. The graduate student, Sascha
Calkins, who found the relevant Clementine image of that region at that moment
reported “good quantitative confirmation”. But science can be a cruel
mistress. Her boss, Bonnie Buratti of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
investigated this anomalous finding and “created new calibrations for the Clementine
images”. Lo and behold, the event disappeared.
So here we have two independent
findings pointing to an anomalous event having occurred on the Moon, with a
subsequent alteration of one of the findings to allow science to throw the whole
thing in the trash can. Suspicious? We think so. Compare and
contrast with the data reported be amateur astronomers regarding sightings of
meteoric impacts on the Moon’s dark side during the Leonid meteor shower.
The data is immediately accepted by all parties, even though some of the observers
were using smaller telescopes than Mr Manske. This amounts to a clear
double standard, where data is acceptable only if it fits the currently accepted
scientific model. As amateur telescopes continually improve in power,
it seems likely that this kind of academic conflict between amateur astronomers
and mainstream science will increase. Perhaps, one day, the amateurs will
gather sufficient evidence to make science re-evaluate its intransigent position.
Keep up the good work, people.
out our Mars Anomalies Section..
We think you'll be knocked out by some of the images we have acquired!
Andy Lloyd & Dave Cosnette 2000